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Navigator in Reverse

My journey begins like the ancient navigators of Portugal. Setting out for a goal in hopes of reaching treasures never before discovered. But in reverse, my journey goes from the outside to the interior, from the skies to the mind, from Brazil to Portugal, returning to the beginning of everything to once again depart for the unknown.

It is interesting that I chose Lisbon to start the PhD.

I am always moved by the magnificent landmark of the discovery, where we position ourselves like ancient navigators looking at a land that I already know very well. Brazil, Pindorama, Pau Brasil and other names, the place I call home.

But as the poet said, sailing is necessary... my mind is academic, with all the implications for this statement. To have an academic mind nowadays is to be globalized, it is to seek in this vast sea of ​​science a safe haven to rest. And in this process who knows how to change the world.

I start my journey saying goodbye to concepts, feelings, and developing an unexpected quality: a sense of navigation.
Where do I want to go?
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